
sparrow family Learn more about sparrow family

  • What's the difference between a house sparrow and a tree sparrow?

    What's the difference between a house sparrow and a tree sparrow?

    Sparrow is a general term for 27 species of small birds of the genus Sparrow of the family Sparrow. There are 27 species in the world, 5 of which are distributed in China. The distribution is quite wide. Except for the extremely cold north and south poles and alpine deserts, they are distributed all over the world. So, what's the difference between house sparrows and tree sparrows?

    2020-11-11 Home sparrow and tree the difference where is the sparrow yes genus
  • The latest floral words and legends of sparrow flowers

    The latest floral words and legends of sparrow flowers

    Sparrow flower is the second class national protected plant, also known as white flower oil sesame vine, flower Shantou sesame vine, sparrow flower, etc., is an evergreen, large woody vine of Lathyrus bean of the butterfly family, native to tropical and subtropical Asia, and is cultivated in southern China. Often climbing

    2020-11-10 The latest the sparrow the flower the flower language and the legend is
  • What is the sparrow also called?

    What is the sparrow also called?

    The sparrow flower is famous for its peculiar shape. In blooming season, it hangs in a string and grows directly on the vine, just like thousands of finches perched in the shade of the forest. The scene is very spectacular. Next, let's take a closer look at this magical plant.

  • The sparrow used to have a flower name.

    The sparrow used to have a flower name.

    The sparrow flower is famous for its peculiar shape. In blooming season, it hangs in a string and grows directly on the vine, just like thousands of finches perched in the shade of the forest. The scene is very spectacular. Next, let's take a closer look at this magical plant.

  • When will the latest finches bloom?

    When will the latest finches bloom?

    Grass sparrow is a national second class protected plant, also known as white flower oil sesame vine, flower Shantou, sparrow flower, etc., is a butterfly bean family Lathyrus bean plant, native to tropical and subtropical Asia, is cultivated in southern China, evergreen, with a very high ornamental

    2020-11-10 The latest finches flowers when bloom yes the country
  • The planting technique of when the Finch Flower blossoms

    The planting technique of when the Finch Flower blossoms

    The planting technique of when the Finch Flower blossoms

  • The words and legends of Sparrow Flowers

    The words and legends of Sparrow Flowers

    The words and legends of Sparrow Flowers

  • The production of sparrow plum bonsai

    The production of sparrow plum bonsai

    Sparrow plum, also known as thorn, sparrow plum vine, sour fruit, sour young tree, is a deciduous climbing shrub of the family Rhamnaceae. The bark is grayish brown and the branchlets are slender with needles. Leaves opposite, ovate or elliptic, margin serrulate, thinly leathery and bright green. Small yellowish flowers in autumn and winter, drupe nearly globose, purple-black when ripe, edible

  • How to cultivate sparrow plum bonsai and its daily management

    How to cultivate sparrow plum bonsai and its daily management

    How to cultivate sparrow plum bonsai and its daily management

  • Modeling Technology of Finch Plum Bonsai

    Modeling Technology of Finch Plum Bonsai

    Sparrow plum, also known as thorn, sparrow plum vine, sour fruit, sour young tree, is a deciduous climbing shrub of the family Rhamnaceae. Its roots are naturally strange and the tree posture is vigorous and quaint. It is one of the main tree species of Chinese stump bonsai. Finch plum is the main bonsai tree species of Lingnan School and Su School, and it is also often used in other areas.

  • What level of animal protection is the sparrow?

    What level of animal protection is the sparrow?

    What level of animal protection is the sparrow?

  • When do the finches blossom?

    When do the finches blossom?

    When do the finches blossom?

  • Planting technique of Sparrow Flower

    Planting technique of Sparrow Flower

    On the weekend since the beginning of spring, have seen the golden rape blossoms, photographed the pink cherry blossoms, plum blossoms and so on, do you think it is not strange to see more? If you want to be special, you might as well enjoy the sparrow flowers, which hang in the vines and are loved by everyone, which may be a spectacular spring light that can only be seen in Guangdong.

  • Maintenance knowledge of sparrow plum bonsai

    Maintenance knowledge of sparrow plum bonsai

    Sparrow plum, commonly known as rat rice, sour taste, rodent rice family sparrow plum vine plant, originated in China's southeast coastal provinces and regions, Japan, India also have. Sparrow plum is a spiny climbing deciduous shrub with leaves subopposite, thinly leathery, evergreen or semi-evergreen, ovate or elliptic, margin serrulate; flowering from September to October, yellowish, fragrant

  • The reason for the yellowing of Finch Plum leaves

    The reason for the yellowing of Finch Plum leaves

    First, if left outdoors, the basin soil may be too dry or too wet, especially due to stagnant water after rain and poor drainage. Second, put it indoors in a sultry, unventilated shade for a long time, or suddenly move to the outside to be exposed to the sun. The sparrow plum after falling leaves, as long as the branches do not wither, there are still residual leaves.

  • Cutting propagation method of sparrow fan succulent cultivation technique

    Cutting propagation method of sparrow fan succulent cultivation technique

    For the vast majority of Sedum succulent plants, the propagation methods are mainly cuttings and leaf cuttings, so the answer to the flower friend's question on how to reproduce the sparrow fan is clear, yes, it is cuttings and leaf cuttings, of course, no picture, no truth, take a look.

  • Cultivation method of grass sparrow flower

    Cultivation method of grass sparrow flower

    The temperature is not cold-resistant, in winter need to move to indoor breeding, usually the best to maintain the temperature above 8 degrees, because the temperature is too low, the grass will stop growing, it has a greater dependence on temperature. The light is good, and it needs plenty of light to grow better.

  • Where is the origin of the latest lohan pine?

    Where is the origin of the latest lohan pine?

    Luohansong, also known as Luohanshan, evergreen Siraitia, Taxodium, Pinus elliottii, etc., is an evergreen coniferous tree of the genus Luohansong of the family Pine, with a broad ovoid crown, grayish brown to dark gray bark, fine and uniform material and easy processing. It can be used as furniture, utensils, stationery and agricultural tools.

    2020-11-10 The latest Luohan pine origin where is it also known as Sequoia
  • Breeding method of grass sparrow flower

    Breeding method of grass sparrow flower

    Sparrow flower is a second-class protected plant in China. Because its shape is very similar to birds, it is named. Some friends who like grass sparrow flowers will also go to places where there are grass sparrow flowers during the flowering period of grass sparrow flowers every year. If you are interested in the sparrow flower, you can learn the breeding method of the sparrow flower together with Xiaobian.

  • Where is the origin of Luohansong?

    Where is the origin of Luohansong?

    Where is the origin of Luohansong?
